
Pesmi Tomaža Šalamuna v prevodu Briana Henryja

Brian Henry – Tomaž Šalamun – rezidenca DSP – Poezija, pesmi, knjige, literatura na portalu za književnost in mišljenje. Društvo slovenskih pisateljev.

Zahvaljujemo se vsem, ki so našo stran podprli z všečkom!


The handsome
young officer
of the Yugoslav People’s Army
is staring
into a gentle wind,
into a dark red sunset.
His shoulders
are broad
like a hero’s shoulders,
his love
as the ocean.
His soul,
as light as the wing of a white gull,
soaks the body
with tender sorrow.

Translated from the Slovenian by Brian Henry

from Praznik




I knocked down the crossbar.

My hand becomes sooty if
I rub it on the pavement around the city.

All the buttons pop from the walking of flaxen

Death to the globe!
God of gnomes!

These are your wages, hop growers.

Translated from the Slovenian by Brian Henry

from Metoda angela




Open your mouth!
Burning bushes are silent in the sultry glow:
Enamel: Emmaus: eyes:
the tough yellow poisons of dry
Fanny Brawne never saw
the room where
your lungs
killed you.
Where I toppled trains
from their tracks like dominoes
and smacked my lips just like you,
Sleeping Beauty.
Where did the leaf fall?

Translated from the Slovenian by Brian Henry

from Metoda angela




A woman and death are sisters.
A mother and death—sisters.
A man and death—brothers.
A father and death—brothers.
A person and death, two
two luminous spheres, two
I—a white avenue—

Translated from the Slovenian by Brian Henry

from Sonet o mleku



Above Him the Clouds Were Already Quite Black

When I looked at the fence
and through the fence,
at the hedge
and through the hedge,
I saw a farmer,
how he drank from a bottle, the water
alone kept him on the surface
of the pond.

Translated from the Slovenian by Brian Henry

from Ljubljanska pomlad

Brian Henry – Tomaž Šalamun – rezidenca DSP – Poezija, pesmi, knjige, literatura na portalu za književnost in mišljenje. Društvo slovenskih pisateljev.

O avtorju / avtorici
Tomaž Šalamun (1941-2014) je svoje življenje spremenil v nenehno pesnjenje in s seboj dobesedno preplavil življenjsko zavest ne le slovenskih, ampak tudi svetovnih, še posebno ameriških pesniških sodobnikov. Njegov nastop je pomenil po poeziji Daneta Zajca največji prelom v našem pesništvu po 2. svetovni vojni. Z »antižupančičevsko« Dumo 1964, v kateri je označil Slovence kremenite za »prehlajeni predmet zgodovine«, se je zameril tedanjim političnim oblastem in dušebrižnikom. V leta 1966 v samozaložbi izdani zbirki Poker se je utrudil podobe »svojega plemena« in si zvaril novo, neuničljivo telo iz žebljev. Zavrnil je slovensko malenkostnost in omejenost, izrazil dvom o deklariranih vrednotah, izenačil višja zrenja z vsem drugim, a ob tem, ko si navidez reistično, neantropocentrično ogleduje stvari in celo lastno roko (v sklopu skupine OHO je deloval tudi likovno), je hkrati postal središče svojega doživljajskega sveta in je v pesniško percepcijo s popolno suverenostjo zajemal tako preteklost kot sedanjost in prihodnost.